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McGinn, Montoya, Love & Curry, PA
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What is dysarthria?

A traumatic brain injury can cause unpredictable symptoms affecting multiple systems of the body. Following a TBI, you may experience dysarthria, which affects your speech, making it hard for others to understand you.  Unlike other conditions that can cause difficulty...

What to do if a dog attacks

Dog bites can not only cause serious injury but can also be traumatizing, particularly because we are more likely to be bitten by dogs that we know rather than those owned by strangers. In the event that you are staring down an aggressive dog, it is important to know...

What defines a catastrophic injury?

What defines a catastrophic injury? While you are recovering from any type of personal injury, it may feel frustrating, challenging and even excruciating. It is important for you to note, however, that an injury defined as “catastrophic” has key differences from most...