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McGinn, Montoya, Love & Curry, PA

Country singer was under the influence during deadly crash

Many car accidents involve minor injuries and property damage. However, some accidents result in death or catastrophic injury. These accidents can be caused by bad driving, bad road design or conditions and, sadly, sometimes alcohol.  This is the case, according to a recent report on a fatal accident involving an up and coming country music star.

On September 4, 2019, a rising country star was in a fatal car accident on a New Mexico road. The accident involved the singer’s vehicle and two other vehicles. The singer struck the first car and then went left of center, striking another vehicle and resulting in the death of a 16-year-old girl. The singer, who was 30, also died in the crash.

The investigation recently ended with all evidence in the case showing that the singer was driving under the influence at the time of the accident. She was also speeding with a recorded speed of 102 mph at the time of the first collision and 95 mph during the fatal collision. Her blood alcohol level was over three times the legal limit at .28.

In investigating these accidents, it takes some time to reveal the facts because it requires testing and investigation to make proper determinations. Law enforcement did state suspicions about alcohol being a factor in the crash but did not confirm that until all testing was complete.

Alcohol and speed are often a factor in fatal car accidents. They both create an uncontrollable situation where the laws of physics come into play to produce a deadly result.

Source: WGN TV