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McGinn, Montoya, Love & Curry, PA

Speeding: A major cause of death on New Mexico’s roads

Drivers create major dangers out on the roads when they speed. A recent report points to speeding being a particularly big, and deadly, problem here in New Mexico.

This ValuePenguin report estimated the rate of speeding-related deaths, per 100,000 residents, for each of the states. These rates were based off of 2016 traffic fatality statistics.

In 2016, 145 people were killed in New Mexico auto crashes that involved speeding. This gave the state a speeding-related traffic death rate of 6.97 fatalities per 100,000 residents. This was the second highest rate in the whole nation. The only state with a higher rate was South Carolina. Its rate was 7.68 fatalities per 100,000 residents.

Only one of New Mexico’s neighboring states, Oklahoma, was also in the top 10.

The report also noted that, since 2010, speeding has been responsible for more traffic deaths in New Mexico than drunk driving.

So, the report points to speeding deaths being more common in New Mexico than they are in most of the rest of the United States. Why do you think New Mexico sees so many such deaths? What do you think would most help with reducing speeding in the state?

It is very important for New Mexico drivers to be aware of the dangers of speeding and to refrain from this unsafe conduct when they are behind the wheel. Skilled personal injury attorneys can help individuals and families whose lives have been permanently altered by accidents caused by speeding drivers navigate key legal issues related to compensation.