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McGinn, Montoya, Love & Curry, PA

What are the most common injuries in trucking accidents?

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the frequency of trucking accidents has been rising since 2009 and will likely continue to increase. This alarming statistic means that motorists could be at increased risk of being injured in a trucking accident. Because of the enormous size and weight of commercial trucks, even a minor accident with a passenger car or motorcycle can cause serious physical injury. Here, we’ll discuss some of the most common injuries caused by trucking accidents.

  • Head trauma

Motor vehicle accidents often cause a passenger’s head to snap back and forth rapidly, resulting in head trauma like concussions, cranial swelling or brain damage. The frightening thing about head trauma is that it is not always visible. Slamming one’s head on the dashboard or window can result in bruises or lacerations, but sometimes head trauma is not immediately apparent. It is crucial to see a doctor immediately after a trucking accident to have potential head trauma diagnosed and treated.

  • Bone fractures and dislocations

Broken bones are a fairly common result of trucking accidents, especially when there is a lot of damage to the body of a car. The bones that are broken depend largely on the conditions of the accident. If the driver’s side of the vehicle makes contact with the truck or another object, the driver’s shoulders, neck, legs and arms may all be at risk. It is also possible for joints to become dislocated. Fortunately, dislocation is far less serious than a bone fracture–it is easier and cheaper to treat and heals much faster.

  • Nervous system damage

The nervous system is the internal network of nerves that transports signals from the brain to the rest of the body. Damage to the nervous system often occurs when the neck or spinal cord are injured in an accident. When the nervous system is damaged, it can cause long-lasting conditions like chronic pain or even paralysis. Therapy can sometimes reduce nervous system damage, but it can often be a lifelong ailment. Motorists and passengers who have sustained nervous system damage in a truck accident sometimes find it necessary to hire an attorney to receive compensation for their medical bills.