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McGinn, Montoya, Love & Curry, PA

The facts about bike accidents

It is unsurprising that, in crashes between bicyclists and vehicles, the bicyclist usually ends up with far more severe injuries. Since bicycles often share the road with vehicles, understanding safe conduct on a bike is very important.

However, there is no denying that riding a bicycle can be extremely dangerous. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, over 850 bicyclists were killed in 2018.

Staying safe on a bike

Taking appropriate preventative measures can help reduce the risk of injury or death on a bicycle. Bicyclists were found to be more likely to die between the hours of 6 p.m. and 9 p.m., no matter what the actual cause of the accident was. Thus, it is a good idea to stay off the roads during these hours if at all possible. Additionally, alcohol was a factor in nearly 40% of all bicycle accidents in 2017.

The two most common kinds of bicycle accidents involve either falling off the bike or a vehicle hitting the bicyclist. Obviously, the accidents involving vehicles are much more severe and much more likely to result in serious injury.

Preparing to ride safely

Wearing a helmet is an important step when operating a bicycle safely. It is also important to understand bicycle sizing, as many people ride bikes that are too big and this is dangerous. Wearing clothing that makes you more visible to drivers is also a good idea such as bright and/or reflective clothing. Additionally, having lights on both the front and back of your bike will make you much easier to see.

Taking precautions to ride smart and ride safe and help you avoid serious bicycle accidents.