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McGinn, Montoya, Love & Curry, PA

Albuquerque a safer place to drive this year

The Allstate Insurance Company compiles its claims each year and then ranks metro areas around the country. It now has released its new list based on numbers from 2017. As it turns out, Brownsville, Texas was the safest place to drive, while Baltimore, Maryland was the most dangerous. The statistics are based on the number of crashes that involved a property damage claim with the carrier.

Albuquerque ranked right in the middle this year at number 87 (number 1 is safest), but the good news is that this is actually 30 places higher than last year. While the national average is reporting an accident once every 10 years, our metro area drivers report a claim every 8.5 years in the city proper, while experiencing 20.7 hard-braking events every 1,000 miles. The suburban driver reports a claim every 10.8 years and experiences 17.5 hard-braking events every 1,000 miles.

The challenges of driving here That ranking goes up slightly to 94 when there is rain and snow, but despite the overall reduction, the challenge remains human error. According to the carrier, 94 percent of collisions across the U.S. are preventable. This drop of 30 places here is likely precipitated by raised awareness of the dangers of driving while distracted, driving under the influence and displaying other lapses in judgment.

While we can control our own actions in the above regards, we cannot control others. Those who are victims in crashes with severe damage should discuss the matter with an attorney. Regardless of whether the other side admits fault, an attorney can help build a case for getting the best possible outcome of compensation for injuries, time away from work and other additional expenses not covered by insurance.