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McGinn, Montoya, Love & Curry, PA

When and where do concussions occur?

It’s never just a bump on the head. As medical experts continue to research, the evidence overwhelmingly shows that a concussion isn’t a momentary injury. The effects are different on each individual. Sometimes it is over quickly, but others experience side effects for months and even years later. The more serious the brain injury, the harder the recovery will be.

In a poll conducted by NPR this year, 23 percent of participants – one in four – have had at least one concussion in their lifetime. While everyone’s side effects are different, common lingering issues include headaches, along with problems with concentration, memory, balance and coordination. Unlike a bruise to another body part, these side effects aren’t just annoyances. They can shut down your ability to live a normal life.

The bigger picture surrounding concussions

Most people are aware of the connection between concussions and contact sports. In the NPR study, 43 percent who experienced concussions did so in sports activities. Car accidents are another leading cause, though. According to CDC numbers, 14 percent of all concussions and traumatic brain injuries are caused by car accidents.

Traumatic brain injury, including concussions, causes hospitalization, death and significantly altered lives. Because the injury is internal and can’t be seen by the naked eye, it’s harder for many people to truly understand its toll on living a normal life. In addition to the medical and mental side effects of an injury, the changes impact a victim’s career, personal relationships and independence.

Getting the right treatment and recovery

Brain injuries are harder to identify and measure than a broken bone or soft tissue injury because everyone experiences them differently. If you’ve been in a serious car accident that has caused a brain injury, it’s essential to work with an experienced lawyer to help you identify your concerns, seek the proper treatment and to get the help you need to recover from the injury.